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2.2 DHS Style Guide

2.2.1 Style Requirements Title Page Headers and Footers Body of Text Text Boxes and Paragraph Borders Screenshots

2.2.2 Content Guidelines Table of Contents (TOC) Overview Page Icon Key CARES Worker Web Training General Considerations Instructions for Training Environment Activities

2.2.1 Style Requirements Title Page

The content of the title page should include DHS/DHCAA/BEM Training, document title and the release date of the material. Headers and Footers

The use of headers and footers is required in all guides and workbooks. The margins for Headers should be .5” and for Footers .7”.  The line style for the header is the line that is thicker on the bottom and thinner on the top.  The line style for the footer is thicker on the top and thinner on the bottom.  The line weight should be 1 1/2.




Footers Body of Text Text Boxes and Paragraph Borders

Text Boxes

Use a text box to bring attention to a particular area on a page.  You can resize the box and position it so that it meets your needs.  For instructions on how to create Text Boxes refer to “The How To” document.


Use Comic Sans MS 12pt. font with a single line ½ point border.  Label the boxes if there will be many used in the document.



Paragraph Borders

Paragraph borders are similar to text boxes but do not “float” around the page.  Use them when creating examples.




When putting an example on a page, use a paragraph border around the example, not a text box.  The style of the example paragraph is the same as the text box style described above.  If you will have many examples in a document, use a label (e.g. Example One) so that you can refer to them easily.


Example 1:

This is an example of an example. Apply bold formatting to the example title when you use one.



Heading Styles

All heading styles are left justified.

To be used for main headings in chapters, units or sections.


To be used for the first level subsections under a chapter, unit or section.


To be used for details or subsets to the subsection.


To be used for further details or clarification to the above section.


To be used for further details or clarification to the above section. Screenshots

See 5.1 Collecting Screenshots for instructions on how to use screenshots in Word and Captivate documents.

2.2.2 Content Guidelines

This section covers information specific to the content of your training materials. It also discusses the use of templates in certain circumstances. Table of Contents (TOC)

The table of contents is page two of the document. Headings one, two and three will appear in the table.


To create a Table of Contents:

  1. Create a blank page after the title page using a page break.

  2. Type the title Table of Contents at the top, and format it as Tahoma 24pt bold.  (Do not use a Heading 1 style or it will appear in your TOC).

  3. Click Insert, Reference, Indexes and Tables.  Choose Table of Contents.

  4. Click the Table of Contents tab on the dialog box to be sure that you are selecting heading levels through 3. The format should be “from template” and there should be a dot leader selected.  

  5. Click Ok and the Table of Contents will be created.


To Update a Table of Contents

  1. Put your cursor anywhere in the Table of Contents.

  2. Press F9.

  3. Select Update Entire Table and click OK. Overview Page

The “Heading 1” style should be used for the title on the overview page. The overview page is page three of the document and should be included after the table of contents.


Overview Paragraph

The first paragraph on the overview page should be an overview paragraph that gives a generalization of what is being covered in the following document. This paragraph should be in Arial, 12pt. font.



This should be a list of detailed things the learner will be able to do upon completion of the material.  For more on how to write good objectives, see the “Writing Objectives” document in the IM Training Eroom curriculum style folder.
 Icon Key

Use icons to draw attention to the different areas of the training. Using icons also helps the learner to find certain areas quickly.


 image1.gif Tip or hint (use to be message in a bottle)  


image7.gifPaper based activity


image3.gif  Indicates to click on mouse  


image8.gifStop and Reflect


image4.gif Critical or “key” information  


image10.gifDHS logo


image5.gif More information or additional resources are available


image11.gif Indicates an extra thought or note to a paragraph


image6.gifContact information



image13.gifComputer based “Hands On” activity



image12.gifCARES Worker Web training environment




The CWW logo and the “Hands on Activity” icon need to be placed together when indicating a learning activity. CARES Worker Web Training General Considerations

There are a few things to always consider when designing learning. Instructions for Training Environment Activities

Any time we are instructing the learner to perform hands-on activities in the CWW Training Environment, be sure to include the following set of instructions.









Although your user ID will display as the same one you use in production, in the training environment you will be working in Eau Claire County (County 18) and using office 5018 if you need to enter an office number.  You should also enter your own worker ID when a worker ID is needed – unless a scenario tells you to enter something else in a specific situation.







It is not necessary to repeat the entire instructional section at the beginning of every training session when multiple sections will be viewed in one training session. A paragraph that references where the instructions can be found should be used instead.




This page last updated in Release Number: 10-01

Release Date: 05/01/10

Effective Date: 05/01/10