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5.1 collecting Screenshots

5.1.1 Collecting Screenshots Introduction

5.1.2 Screenshots in Word Documents

5.1.3 Transferring Screenshots to Captivate




5.1.1 Collecting Screenshots Introduction

Screenshots are captured pictures of what's displaying on a PC monitor. They are used extensively in IM training to show CWW pages or other training material.  They can be captured and formatted in many different ways. Please follow these standards when using screenshots.  Ultimately, the standard is that the screenshot must be legible and not a strain on the eye.  Illegible screenshots can occur when your're trying to capture too much of a screen in one capture or when the resolution is not set correctly..


Suggestions for getting legible screenshots:

  1. Capture only what is necessary to prove your point.

  2. Make sure you Windows display settings are set at 1024 x 768.

  3. Using Windows Screen Capture

You can capture anything on your monitor by simply clicking on the Print Screen button on your keyboard. It's located to the right of the F12 key on most keyboards.  This image is saved on your clipboard until you do something with it or replace it..


The easiest way to work with this image is to open a Word Doc and paste it.  However, when you use this method, you end up capturing more than is necessay, such as your toolbars and task bar.  You should crop your image before using it as a final image.  See 5.1.2 for information on how to crop an image in Word.


There are several other software applications that can be used to capture CWW or other screens for use in DHS training courses.  


For instructions on using Snagit, see 5.2 Working With Snagit.


See a demo here.


Mention how to do screnshots in Word and adding callouts and the format of the graphic.



This page last updated in Release Number: 10-01

Release Date: 05/01/10

Effective Date: 05/01/10